Sunday, February 19, 2012

Camera Club reminder

Camden Photo Club

Hey All,
Hope you are doing well. I will not be able to make the meeting this month due to work commitments and Karin has graciously offered to take it over.
Do not bother to send images this month. To date there has only been one sent in. The projector will not be available this week.
There will be handouts available (only for dues paid current members) on the topics that were in the questionnaire and more.
Please bring your completed questionnaire and ideas for walkabouts etc.
Also, if there are any nominations for a new president or ideas about sharing the responsibilities of the operation of the club, please discuss them.
I'll miss being there but it promises to be a good meeting.
See you all the 3rd Mon in March.
Meeting will be held at the Fine Arts Center, Mon Feb 20 in the Bassett Bldg. at 7pm.