Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Camera Club Minutes

Camden Photo Club
Bring a friend to meet the group!

Camden Photo Club

September 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes

We had 12 members present, plus one possible new member, Cindy Fussell. This meeting focused on member's thoughts and goals for the future of the club. We determined that we would continue to meet once a month.

Columbia Camera Club. Several members already attend their meetings. They meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 7:00 - 8:30pm at the Capital Senior Center, Maxcy Gregg Park (where Pickens crosses Blossom). Becoming a Member is EASY:

The method of joining is to register at one of the regular meetings. Annual dues are $30.00 [semi-prorated @ $15 if a member joins July-Dec], which can be paid at one of their club meetings. (Sorry, but there is currently no apparatus for joining online or by mail.)

Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association. Their website is www.cnpa.org. Their next annual meeting will be February 9-12, 2012, in Columbia SC.

Member Discussion.

Mike suggested we have a photography contest like the Columbia Club did recently. We would bring in a professional photographer - possibly Lonnie Hoke - to judge our photos using the "12 Elements of a Merit Image" criteria that Lonnie shared with us. We have handouts for those who were unable to attend his presentation.

Teri recommended we bring in speakers to discuss the "subjects" of our monthly photos the month before each subject is assigned. This offers a much better learning environment than simply assigning a subject at random.

Mike is interested in purchasing software with "club discounts". If anyone has time to research available sites that offer this, please let him know.

Members can submit photographs to the state and local fairs for judging and cash prizes.

Lynda.com is a website that offers online software training.

Sunday evenings at 7:00pm on PBS - Wild Photography Adventures

Speakers. Mike would like to invite professional photographer, David Hartfield, to give a presentation on "Composition". David's website is davidhartfield.net.

Walk-Abouts. Several places were suggested for walk-abouts:

The church & cemetery on 261 near 378
Interesting buildings in Camden
Magnolia Gardens in Charleston
Cathedral St. Lukes & St. Paul in Charleston
Holly's family's island in North Myrtle Beach
Huntington Beach State Park
Botany Bay
Francis Beidler Forest - beidlerforest.org - 100's of birds and other assorted creatures
Night photos of bridges and cemeteries

Members'Photos. The subject this month was "Abandoned Buildings". We all enjoyed the very interesting and creative photos that were submitted.

Coming Events for October

October Meeting. Instead of our regular meeting, we will meet at the State Fair on Monday, October 17th.

We can meet at 6:15 at the main gate in the stadium parking lot.  Mike's cell is 803-422-5894. Please be there by 6:15, as we will enter then. Stragglers can try and find us. Please RSVP to saddleguy@gmail.com, so we can have a general head count.

The cost is $10 at Bi-Lo, Etix, or the fair gates for those youngsters under age 54. If you are over 54, you can get in for $5, but you must purchase your ticket at the fair gates with proof of your age.


Member'Photos. Since we will be meeting at the fair, we will not have photos for October. We will take photos at the fair for our November meeting. The subject is TEXTURE. The RANDOM photo should also be taken at the fair. Remember, when submitting your photos to Mike, they should be titled Texture LastName November or Random LastName November. If you are unable to join us at the fair, please take your photos anywhere you choose and send them in for the November meeting.

November Meeting

The November meeting will be held on Monday, November 14th, at 7:00pm. Location is Mike's training facility.

I am thrilled to announce that David Hartfield has graciously agreed to speak at our November meeting! This is very exciting for our club and should generate maximum attendance at this meeting.

Thanks again for supporting our club and continuing to offer suggestions for making it more productive and informative for our members.

Mike Scott

Friday, September 16, 2011

Meeting Reminder

Camden Photo Club

Sept. 19, 2011 Meeting

Don't forget our meeting at Mike's School Mon the 19th at 7pm.

Mike's cell    803-422-5894


I have only received one image for the months assignment and random.
Please be aware that I will accept submissions until 8pm Sun eve.
Work will consume my time from now until the meeting on Mon and I will have 1 hour Sun eve at 8 pm to organize the images.  Thanks for understanding.

Assignment...old or abandoned building
Random....anything you like

Please be prepared to speak about your image...why you like or dislike it, what you wanted to get when you took it, how you feel the end result is.

I would like to take some time at this meeting to talk about our vision and where the club is going. Please bring ideas for speakers, topics etc so I can round them up and have them come.

Thanks and see you Mon the 19th at 7pm.

803-422-5894     saddleguy@gmail.com