Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Camera Club Minutes

Happy Thanksgiving


Camden Photo Club

November 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes

We had 10 members present, with one prospective new member, Jolene Cleverly. This meeting focused on a very informative presentation by professional photographer, David Hartfield.  

At the request of the members, David offered to hold a one-day working seminar on the technical aspects of capturing various types of photographs. REGISTRATION FORMS AND A SYNOPSIS OF THE SEMINAR ARE AVAILABLE.  

Please contact Mike at saddleguy@gmail.com so he can forward them to you.


THE LOCATION IS MIKE'S TRAINING FACILITY. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to have a professional teach us here in Camden - We hope many of our club will take advantage of it. Class size is limited.  

Members' Photographs. The subject for October/November was texture. We enjoyed the photographs that the members who attended the state fair took, as well as the other photographs submitted. We also enjoyed David's comments on our photographs.

December Meeting

The December meeting will be held on the 3rd Monday, December 19th, at 7:00 pm. Location is Mike's training facility. To make it easier to find, there will be a light on the post, in addition to the orange traffic cone. The photo subject is National or State Park.

We will be providing snacks, hot cider, coffee etc. so please let me know if you plan on coming. 

Please send your Assignment photo and Random photo to Mike at  saddleguy@gmail.com by Sun eve the 18th no later than 9 pm to be included.  

Have a great holiday and we look forward to seeing you at the seminar taught by David and at the next meeting.

Also, Mike Scott and Troy Leitzsey will have a photography and Art Gallery Open House on Dec 10th and 11th from 10-5 Sat and 1-5 Sun at the Garden Gate Gallery.


Mike Scott




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