Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Meeting Minutes

Camden Photo Club
Jan 2012

Camden Photo Club

January 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes

We had 10 members present. We welcome our newest member, Gordon Brandon and hope that Virginia Wilson will also become a member. Six members paid their dues. Remember, we decided to pay all of our dues in January instead of the month that we each paid last year.


Discussion. Mike opened the meeting with a discussion about the future direction of the club and what we would like to have in terms of classes. Some ideas put forth were classes in the basic mechanics/camera settings of digital photography - basically, a beginner's class; off camera flash techniques; black and white photography; and theory of light. We also discussed walk-abouts and day trips. For those of you that consider yourselves intermediate, we have not forgotten you and plans are being made to accommodate.

Presentation: Mike's long-time friend, John Aegerter, presented a slide show of some of the photographs he has taken during his travels around the world on hiking adventures. It was interesting to note that even though he had some exceptional photographs, he is not a "photographer" and his photographs were all taken with a basic "point and shoot" camera.

February Meeting. We will not longer meet in Mike's training facility. The February meeting will be held on Mon. February 20th, at 7:00pm. The location will be the Fine Arts Center in the gallery in the Bassett Bldg. The bldg. is located on Lyttleton St.

Bring a friend !

Member's Photos. The subject is WINTER WILDLIFE. Remember, when submitting your photos to Mike, they should be titled Winter Wildlife LastName February or Random LastName February. Only three members submitted photographs for January. We hope to have many more for February. Note for new members: we can submit two photographs each month - one is the predetermined subject and the other is a random photo of any subject. Submit them to Mike at, in JPEG format.

Thanks for your participation in the club. We look forward to a very productive 2012!

Mike Scott



PS I want to take a minute to thank Billie for all her work as club secretary, Teri for sending many good links that I will share before the next meeting and Troy who has put a questionnaire together to let us know where everyone is with their cameras. This will all be sent a couple weeks before the next meeting.

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