Friday, August 19, 2011

August Meeting Minutes

Camden Photo Club
Aug. 2011 Club Meeting Minutes:


Camden Photo Club

August 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes

This was our second meeting at Mike's training facility and we unanimously decided we would like to continue to meet there instead of returning to the Fine Arts Center.  We had 11 members present, and two possible new members, Grant Comley and Troy Leitzsey.  Remember, Troy is now working at Mike's Garden Gate Gallery.

Guest Speaker.  Our invited guest speaker for camera ins. did not show up. 

August Walk-About.  On August 1st, we were treated to a wonderful discussion on a multitude of topics by professional photographer, Lonnie Hoke, when he hosted us in his studio in Lugoff.  Those who were able to attend thoroughly enjoyed both his gracious hospitality and the information he shared with us.

Miscellaneous Topics.  Mike briefly discussed "hyper focal length" and the free 3.2 Lightroom download.
Here is a link to some info and many tutorials
happy surfing:

(Mike's image of Two Jack Lake in Banff CA using hyperfocal length: ) 

2 jack 


Coffee Table Books:
 These are just a very few. The book I passed around was from blurb

Special Presentation.  Robbie Hinson shared several of his black and white photographs from his recent trip to New York City.  We all enjoyed viewing his work.

Future Member Photo Subjects.  The following are the monthly photo assignment subjects for the next year:

Oct- Texture
Nov-State or National Park
Dec-No Meeting ??????  It was suggested no meeting in Dec but we will have one even if only a few show. I thought the summer would die off but there has been a steady showing of members. We will discuss again later and determine a topic for Dec. at the Nov. meeting.


Jan - Color Opposites
Feb -Winter Wildlife
March - Street Shot or Local Spot
April - Motion Blur or Stop Motion
May - Fill the Frame or Wide Angle Macro
June  -Sunrise  / Sunset  / or Night Shot
July -Pet Portrait
Aug - Famous Song Title or Less is More

Coming Events for September

Walk-About.  We have no planned walk-about, but as always, members are encouraged to contact each other for short trips and spur of the moment outings.

September Meeting.  The meeting will be on Monday, September 19th at 7:00pm.  Location is Mike's training facility.

September Member Photo.  The subject for September is Abandoned Building/Structure.  Please send only ONE picture for this category and ONE picture for your Random category.  For those of you who know how to rename your photos from the number to a chosen name, please do so.   
Random-Last Name-September  
Abandoned Buildings-Last Name-September.

( One of Mike's images of abandoned Bldg.)
old bldg 

Thanks for your continued support of our club and for encouraging new people to join.

Mike Scott

Garden Gate Gallery and Frameshop
1307 1/2 Broad St

Camden, South Carolina 29020

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