Saturday, December 24, 2011

December Camera Club Minutes

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
Club Minutes

Camden Photo Club
December 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes
We had 5 members present. 

Member Discussion.

Fine Arts Center. Very few members are using this opportunity to showcase their work. The photographs that are up there have been there for a long time and it would be good to replace them with different photographs. The wall reserved for our photo club is directly to the left as you walk in the front door of the main building.

Walk-Abouts. We discussed having more walk-abouts with all the club members, in addition to the small groups that go out together. We considered and discussed using some of our dues money to sponsor a daytrip for everyone.

Websites.   500.px is an excellent website for viewing extraordinary photographs. Also, if you type OOB photography in Google, you will get multiple websites for creative photographs. If you are interested in renting lenses, and b&, are good websites.

Special Presentation. Karin presented a slide show of some of her horse photography and then provided an insight into her thoughts as she was taking the pictures. Most of the photographs were of race horses and jumpers and were totally captivating. Thanks Karin!
Members' Photos. The subject this month was State or National Parks. We all enjoyed the very interesting and creative photos that were submitted.

Coming Events for January 2012!
January Meeting. Our regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 16th @ 7:00pm in Mike's Training Facility.
Members' Photos. The subject is COLOR OPPOSITES. Remember, when submitting your photos to Mike, they should be titled Color Opposites LastName January or Random LastName January.

 Membership Dues. They are due in January. Since most dues were paid in January thru March this year, we decided that instead of staggering them by month, it would be simpler to have them all due in January. They are $25.00, payable in cash or check to Billie. In writing a check, please make it out to Camden Photo Club.

Thanks again for supporting our club and continuing to offer suggestions for making it more productive and informative for our members. I wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.

Mike Scott



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