Camden Photo Club
I just wanted to share a few things. I hope you are all getting out, getting some great shots and enjoying the nice weather before winter hits us.
I have been in contact with David Hartfield and he said he will be repeating the class that we had to cancel on Jan. 27th and 28th. I will not be trying to organize this so please contact him directly and he can assist you.
His email is For those of you that missed the meeting, David did a nice job of presenting his composition section of the seminar.
Also, I have been informed of a contest that you might be interested in.
UPDATE : Exposure 2011 Photography Competition Announces Final Deadline
3rd annual EXPOSURE Photography Competition : Final Entry Deadline is December 20th! Exposure 2011 is an International Photography Competition Awarding over $50,000 in Grants & Prizes
Artists Wanted is pleased to announce the Final Entry Deadline for the 3rd annual EXPOSURE photography competition. Expiring on December 20, 2011 11:59pm EST, Exposure is an international call for photography awarding over $50,000 in prizes, including a Photo Exhibition at Aperture Foundation, $18,500 in cash grants, a Public Projection Series in NYC and a Two Week Getaway to New York City & Paris.
Submissions accepted at:
The Final Entry Deadline for Exposure 2011 is December 20th, 2011 11:59pm EST
The Judges:
Natasha Egan: Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography
Stephen Walker: Photo Director, NYLON Magazine
Conor Risch: Senior Editor, PDN Magazine
Michael Shulman: Director, Publishing, Broadcast and Film, Magnum Photos
Susanne Miklas: Award-winning Photo Editor
Karen Irvine: Curator and Associate Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography
The Grand Prize Award:
A $10,000 cash grant
An Exhibition at Aperture Foundation in New York City's Chelsea arts district
A Public Projection Series of your images throughout New York City
A feature on Artists Wanted's website
Worldwide Exposure for You and Your Work
The Category Awards: Category Award Winners will be awarded a $500 cash grant and a feature on Artists Wanted's website. The jury panel will select photographers whose photography best exemplifies the essence of each of the following categories:
People & Portrait
Documentary / Photojournalism
Cloudscape, Landscape, Aerial and/or City Scape
Travel / Vacation
Action & Adventure
Events (Parties, Weddings, Celebrations)
Art / Conceptual Celebrates
Nature (Plants and Animals)
Commercial (Fashion, Product & Food)
Submissions accepted until Tuesday December 20, 2011 11:59pm EST
More details at:
Artists Wanted is a collaborative project between several New York City artists and creative organizations working to build new and lasting opportunities for artists and photographers all across the globe. Our job is to get your work seen in the most powerful way possible. You did the hard part, making great work. Now let us find your audience. This is your moment to be discovered.
Once again, please let me know if you'll be attending our meeting on Mon the 19th. The club will be supplying snacks as a Christmas party and we need an approx. count. If you have already RSVP'd no need to again.
The topic is State or National Parks....rec'd 1 submission so far.
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