Friday, March 11, 2011

February meeting minutes

Meeting Happenings:

During this meeting we hope to cover some cool things.

~ A questionnaire to help us find a direction that will appeal to all levels of photographers.

~ Ideas of how to impress the public with our club and let them know of our existence. So far we have talked about the Chronicle's weekly happenings section, the Fine Arts website, getting a flickr page and getting a blog up and running.

Flickr Page is up and running!

You can post 2 images a day


~ Walkabouts... some that were mentioned among some members were a tour of Flatrock Rd. (old houses and barns etc). Rimini SC, the Zoo, The Revolutionary War Park and any ideas you might have.

~ horses, sheep and any other animals and locations always prove interesting.

~ night photography....shooting cityscapes, lighted old ruins, cars etc. can be fun. Light painting for those that have not done this, can be a blast.

~ photo scavenger hunt...Teri will share ideas on this.

~ Cowassee basin... where we live. Tons of photo opps. and possible publishing of your work.

Educational Workshops :

~ Our dues may not allow for too many paid professionals to appear but discussions are welcomed for suggestions of people you know that might speak or if you'd like to share something yourself.

Print displays and show? :

We are in discussion with the Fine Arts Ctr. to see about posting our photos on the wall and we can try to set a date to have a juries show for the club.


This months presentation will be on Macro Photography and some inexpensive ways to achieve this. Mike and Peggy will also share what they know about their macro lenses, lens baby, diopters, diffusers and Raynox.

Teri will briefly share moments from the CNPA, Carolina Nature Photographers Assoc. annual meeting.

Hopefully, we will get to view Catherine French's exhibit and who knows? maybe she will come. An invite has been sent to her.

This months assignment:

"4 legs"

Don't forget to get your photos to Mike before Sun. eve to have them shown from the projector.

Please send them in Med. size jpegs


Title this months assignment.... 4legs_your nameFeb

Random photo submission.... Random_your nameFeb




This will allow me to make folders

March Meeting Date will be Mon. March 21st, 2011:

Presentation will be by Ray Zilembo. The topic will be pet portraiture and lighting.

Thank you all and PLEASE forward this to your friends and have them join our club!

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you!

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