Don't forget !
Camden Photo Club Meeting
Mon. March 21st, 2010
We are looking forward to seeing you and a friend at the
Camden Photo Club meeting this Mon. March 21st, 2010
at the Fine Arts Center located on Lyttleton St.
7 P.M.
Pull in the lot on Lyttleton St. park and enter the Bassett Bldg
from the side entrance. Once in the bldg. turn right into the
meeting room.
This month we will be treated to a presentation on flash photography and lighting from Ray Zilembo. View his site at
"Bring your own camera"
We will also discuss new and exciting happenings with the club, our new website, our walkabout that was held on Sat. March 12th, where we will meet for a walkabout next month and many other things.
Please don't forget to send your photos for the month.
1 (ONE) will be the assignment of the month...Black and White
1 (ONE) will be a random for the month
Please label each so they go in the correct division.
send in jpeg. to:
*** Please sign in as soon as you enter so we don't forget. Also, please don't forget dues will be collected at the beginning and end of the meeting by treasurer "Billie".
Looking forward to seeing you!
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