Thursday, March 31, 2011

March meeting minutes

April 1, 2011

Here are the minutes for the March meeting and info for upcoming meetings.


Camden Photo Club

March 21, 2011 Meeting

Dear Friends

Thanks to all who attended the meeting, and to those of you who were not able to attend, we hope to see you at the next meeting. We will be meeting Mon April 18th at the Bassett Bldg. in the Fine Arts Center....Lyttleton St. Camden SC

Mike's cell # 803-422-5894

Please let your friends know about the club and invite them along.

Meeting Minutes

Thanks to all who attended. We had 14 members present and I think we all enjoyed the photographs and information presented, as well as the camaraderie. As this is a non profit group, it would be nice if we could rotate bringing water and snacks. Volunteers can get in touch with Mike so we only have one person doing it per meeting.

Financial Report. To date 14 members have paid their 2011 dues. We have a checking account established at Carolina First Bank on Dekalb Street in Camden. We have not received our first bank statement at this writing.

Displaying Photographs in the Fine Arts Center. The Fine Arts Center has been gracious enough to allow us to hang our photographs on the left wall as you come in the front door of the Center. Each member may hang 2 photographs at a time, and should rotate them at least every 2-3 months to stay seasonal. Photo size should be 8x10 (matted and framed ok).

We discussed having Colt Shirley make a small sign to hang on the wall above the photographs, identifying them as Camden Photo Club photographs.

Publicity. Several ideas were addressed. Mike sent emails to the local papers and members were asked to spread the word through their various social organizations, such as churches. Please do the same in your local or personal groups.

Website. Karin Martin set up our website - If you wish to post photographs, you may email them to her at Mike and Karin asked that we support both the website and our flickr site with more photographs.

Speakers. Mike has spoken with Daniel Stainer about speaking to our club and perhaps doing a weekend instructional outing. At this announcement Dan is excited about the possibility of the weekend in May before our next meeting and also having him speak to the club for the May meeting.

Presentation. Ray demonstrated the difference between flash photography using the flash on the camera and studio flash equipment. Ray did a wonderful job and we were surprised to see the difference between the two types of lighting on our "subject". You were good Ray, but I am afraid Callie stole the show. Thanks to Peggy McKoy for sharing her adorable dog with us.

Members Photos. The subject of this month's photographs was black and white. We were delighted to see how many talented photographers we have in our club. Each of the photographs presented had very interesting and unique qualities. Make sure to send you photos as jpegs to Mike at

Walk-Abouts. Several areas of interest were discussed. These included Swan Lake, Liberty Hill, and Flat Rock, again. Mike was able to talk to one land owner in Flat Rock, who agreed to let us visit his land.

Summary of the Questionnaire. Mike briefly discussed the results of the questionnaire that was handed out at the March meeting. As expected, club members use a variety of cameras, and are interested in many different subjects - flowers & birds, action, architecture, pets, nature, etc. Some of the topics the members would like to learn more about include reverse lenses, photoshop, different types of lenses and lightroom.

April's Photograph. The category for the April photograph is "water". Please submit only one photograph. Remember, you can also submit one photograph in the "random" category for each month. One for each category = 2 photos.

Next Meeting. Our next meeting will be on April 18th at 7:00. Peggy McKoy will give us a presentation on texturing. After seeing her black and white photograph, we are anxious to learn more about this process.

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm. As a new club, we have already accomplished much and I look forward to our continued growth, learning opportunities and photographic adventures.

Mike Scott



The Camden Photo Club


  1. Not sure how to work a blog ---do i have to go through someone to initiate a subject

    Just wanted to let yall know that I saw my first male hummer at my feeder yesterday
    Get your feeders out :D and look forward to lots of hummingbird shots

  2. Already? didn't see them last year towards middle of May! Great, let's get some cool shots!
